Be Fearless UK
Sarah-Ann Cromwell
Be Fearless UK
Workshops & Programmes
Business-Education-Museums-Theatres- Immersive Arts
The United Kingdom ranks 2nd in the world for sadness, meaning more people in England experience feelings of anxiety and being down than almost anywhere else. But you don’t have to feel this way. Anyone can learn to be fearless, and if you can answer YES to the following questions:
Do you want to be more fearless
Are you willing to practice being fearless?
Then I can help you.
"Only 10% of U.K. workers were found to be feeling engaged with their jobs" CNBC
"Visitor numbers in 2022/23 were higher than the previous year, but still down 18% on pre-pandemic levels" Annual Museum Survey
"AD for music concerts has a higher demand than AD for music videos. The most preferred item to be described in music content is performers' costumes." RNIB report
Be Fearless UK Solution:
Audio Describer & Visually Impaired Experience Creator
Increase visitor numbers, enhance existing exhibitions, and sell more tickets to your event by creating multi-sensory experiences and audio descriptions for your visually impaired audience.